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YouVersion Study Plans - TEST

Two types of study plans are available - click the link or scroll down to check out the listing of all plans:


Plans to help you understand what it means to be a Christian throughout your working life and into your retirement.


Plans giving practical insights from the Bible into the various aspects of leadership in business.


Both sets of plans are filled with PRACTICAL INSIGHTS from the Bible for living out your faith in today's world.


Much of what we uncover is not taught at church so be prepared for fresh insights and a new vigor to your Christian walk!

100% Bible-based!!


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Then get the book!

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Personal Plans (5)







  • How to Pray for your Work (not yet released - see the Leadership version below if you can't wait!)




Business Leadership Plans (10)


See what the Bible says about the development & deployment of strategic plans in your business leadership role


The Bible has some great insights about how to handle stress in your leadership role, including the secret of Jesus!


Find out what it means to be a Christ-centered leader, how to become one and what challenges you might face


The one key word that determines your leadership success - you need to know this!


A look at how leaders come to be, and what God has to do with it.


Every leadership role has a series of objectives, but how does that compare to your purpose as a leader?


Your leadership is part of God's plan for your life - now check that you're on track.


A practical  5-step process for every leader to find God's will for decisions, direction & strategy in their leadership role.


A practical  4-step structure for your prayer and special insight into what you as a leader should pray for that God might answer.



6 insights from the Bible on why God might not answer your prayer - no matter how hard you pray or fast! Don't miss this one!!



  • Additional Plans in development:

    • Hiring & Firing

    • Fruits of your Leadership

    • Fleshly threats to your Leadership

    • The Lords Prayer for Leaders


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